But sometimes Bluestacks irritate us by giving a error called graphic card error 2500. When people try to install bluestack app player on their windows PC, then it shows following error .
"Error 25000. Bluestacks currently doesn't recognize your graphic card. It is possible your graphics drivers may need to be updated.
Please update them and try install again."
But don’t worry if there is a problem then must be there is a solution for it and today in this article we will discuss working method to fix bluestacks graphics card error 25000. Access WhatsApp video and image folder on Bluestacks
Reason for BlueStacks Error 25000
BlueStacks requires a good Graphics Card or Chipset and RAM (Minimum of 2GB) for its proper work. There are two type of Graphic card Driver, first one is Microsoft’s proprietary Direct3D which is needed to run Windows and second one is OpenGLwhich is need to run Android Apps. So if you don’t update your windows regularly, then OpenGL didn’t get updated as often as Direct3D. Therefore when you try to run Bluestacks on your system which is not get update, then Bluestacks shown the Error 25000.
How to Fix Bluestacks Graphics Card Error 25000?
So, today in this article we are going to tell you some method to overcome of this error. If you follow the below methods then you will surely can installed Bluestacks on your Computer and enjoying Android Apps and Games.
Update Graphics Card Driver:
The error message directly blames the problem towards old version of graphics driver. So if you are having a very old computer might not be able to install BlueStacks to it ever. But if your Graphics card or motherboard is not that old then you need to update your Graphics Card Driver.
Here below we have given links which will test your drivers and shows outdated driver’s information
- For Intel Chipset users Click Here
- For AMD drivers users Click Here
- For NVIDIA drivers users Click Here
- Now click on above link according to your driver and it will automatically detect your system for drivers scan.
- After scan is completed it will show a list of new drivers which available to updates for your PC.
- Now update and install all driver. (Especially Graphics card Driver).
- After updating of graphics card driver, you can able to install Bluestacks on your PC.
Install the older version of bluestacks:
Bluestacks show through this error to update Graphics Driver to solve this error, but most of time it is not solve even you update your Graphics Driver. In this case you need to install older version of Bluestacks. The older version of Bluestacks don’t require a higher end system configuration like the new version and you will be able to install it without getting and graphic card error.
- The older version of Bluestacks is not available on bluestacks official site, but don’t worry you can download it from here. Download Bluestacks Older Version (127 MB).

- After downloading install it on your Computer and enjoy Android Apps and Games.
Also Read: How to Install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Offline on Windows 8?
If you face bluestacks graphics card error again even you update your graphics driver then you must try second method to install BlueStacks on your system and you will able to install Bluestacks without any error.
If you find any new method then let us know us by commenting and we’ll update it here.
This application at least 2 GB og physical memory. Sir Please give me solution
First of all ensure that your PC has at least 2GB of physical memory. If you don't have then try to install it on Virtual Box.
I have my laptop with 4 GB RAM & lGB of graphics radeon If the problem is I removed my laptop from the BlueStacks install 2 GB of RAM or do I
If your laptop contain 4GB RAM and still face the problem then download Bluestacks old version again from the above link and install it on your PC. Contact me on Facebook
Virtual Box is not only fun, Software that you have a much
sir i want an low memory bluestack i mean 10_15
download it from its official website
If your laptop computer contain 4GB RAM and still face the matter then transfer Blue stacks previous version once more from the on top of link and install it on your laptop.
There is another way to solve Blustacks Graphics Driver Errors by Skipping Graphics Card Check,
Sir I Have Install Bluestacks but many files are not open.what should i do??
Mohil, which version of bluestacks you have installed? If you've installed older version of bluestacks then you are not able to open high quality games or apps.
Thanks, i downloaded older version and it works.
download from below link it work just skip error by clicking ok button http://cdn.bluestacks.com/downloads/
i downloaded this some time back and i uninstalled it by mistake but when i try to install it again it says it couldn't install bluestacks and check the folder under users which is my apps but the folder is missing how can i install it again and it was the old version of bluestacks
the application failed to intialize properly (0xc0000135).click on ok terminate the application yeh arrer mery pc par please guaig me in urdu plz help me
how to install bluestack on windows 8….without any graphics card plz help me
Download and Install bluestack older version from above link.
plz give me the old vision link
Here is the download link of older version bluestacks http://cdn.bluestacks.com/downloads/
how to access bluestacks data from windows version
i am having..some important files in it..and now how can i copy all my files from bluestack into pc…
plz…rply fast its..urgent..
sir old version of bluestack want . net framework 2.0 sp2 …
All the driver including display and windows also updated but always show “Error 25000. Bluestacks currently doesn't recognize your graphic card. It is possible your graphics drivers may need to be updated. Please update them and try install again.”
Just download and install bluestacks older version from above link.
Sir my computer has 6 GB Graphic card but Bluestacks does not install in my computer
Dear Sir,
Bluestacks is does not install in my Computer. I hope you will answer shortly.
old version of bluestack want . net framework 2.0 sp2
my system is core i 3, and ram is 4 gb but blue Stacks, is not install in my pc ther error is……. Failed to install blueStacks. error; Could not load file or assembly Accessibility, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3 or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.please help me…
Hi Hemal,
If Bluestacks does not works then i recommend to you Other bluestacks alternative. Go to http://www.tricksforums.com/2014/05/best-alternatives-of-bluestacks.html
Hi… I am trying to install bluestack in virtual box. The new version of bluestacks has the video error.. I tried the older version you have a link for above but at the end of installation I get the "blue screen" and a memory dump. I tried an even older version of bluestacks that only requires 1gm of memory.. it wont install in the vm. Do you have any idea what I need to do? Can you
Try to Install it in your PC and if bluestacks then use http://www.tricksforums.com/2014/05/best-alternatives-of-bluestacks.html Bluestacks Alternative to run android apps on pc
Sir I am having desktop with 2GB RAM and i am facing an error of graphic driver while installing bluestacks.Please give me solution.
INSTAGRAM , BBM not working…….
How do I know my graphic driver?
go to this site => http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/detect
sir….can i install bluestacks without graphics card..???
I did install and run bluestacks in my netbook asus 1015px but when i try to install games like dark avenger its says that i need to update my hard drive or graphics. What should i do to fix it?
this version has not Google play store.is it?
i have old version of bluestacks, but i cannot run already downloaded games,how to run it?
Older Version of Bluestacks Does not support Latest Games
Hi, This is how I solved my bluestack graphic card error. (see the video) I hope it may help you as well.
To fix any types of driver issue it is recommended that download driver navigator tool to make your system’s driver in good condition.
plz solve give me for bluestack install after loading screen…not open bluestack
how to update graphic drivers.. i have tried but it is taking long time… m not able to open bluestack…
then install older version of bluestacks or any other android emulator
Hi dear Sir,
I have previously installed bluesatcks it Worked fine but some time Hangs up So i Uninstalled it No Graphic errors !
But I try to install again This error shows “Error 2500” WHy Please Help Me
Hii, Sir My System Ram is 1 Gb And i Have No Graphic Card What Can i Do????????????????
Please Help Me
yes just download bluestacks older version
i don’t have graphic card but i do have 2gb ram what should i do to install the bluestack
yes you can install bloustack emulator
i downloaded bluestack older version but still not working, looking for your guidance .. reply asap.